Most young entrepreneurs have one single idea and build on it, but Iman Gadzhi goes wherever his ideas take him. Thanks to this, he’s now the owner of several businesses, one of which is a content creation organization. Content creation is where he got started, and it’s also what skyrocketed the young businessman to fame.
Content Creation Sets the Ball Rolling
At the age of 17, Gadzhi already realized that he had a gift for making content that people wanted to see. With this in mind, he started putting together content for a few companies and managed their social media presence.
Over a short time, the popularity of this brand exploded, and Gadzhi realized he had a winning formula on his hands. Naturally, like any wealth-minded entrepreneur, he tried to figure out how to package this and sell it to other businesses.
Building a Boutique Content Creation Company
Gadzhi’s next step in his journey was to build a content creation company. IAG Media took the ideas that Gadzhi saw success with and refined them into a streamlined method of delivering content to a hungry audience.
IAG Media’s specialty was high-return-on-investment strategies, which saw many high-spending brands pick up his marketing company to present their content on social media. He eventually started offering mentorship courses to teach others what he already knows works.
Developing a Health and Wellness YouTube Channel
Gadzhi had already put together a working social media plan, but there was a lot more he wanted. He decided that he would lean on YouTube and develop content that he enjoyed doing.
The result was a health and wellness channel that explored Gadzhi’s passion for remaining fit and active. He had already advised friends and family on their own fitness journeys, so he figured this could be a way to help others.
The Drive to Do Better
Gadzhi’s success was motivated partially by his need to help his mother leave a toxic environment. His first business allowed them to do so, but it wasn’t enough for someone with Gadzhi’s ambition. He allowed his mother to retire when he was just 19.
When the COVID pandemic hit, it also affected Gadzhi’s income. It forced him to look at his actions and pivot towards sustainability. During the lull in business, he improved his services, testing what worked and replacing what didn’t. His new offering was far more potent than what he was doing pre-COVID.
An Educator At Heart
Gadzhi believes that education and a drive to succeed would serve anyone better than anything else. He attributes much of his success to learning what works and doing what brings him success. Even so, there’s a distinct lack of education opportunities in many countries worldwide.
Part of Gadzhi’s business efforts is to develop and establish schools in developing countries. His philanthropic effort has already seen schools in Nepal established and operating. His goal to educate as many people as possible also feeds back into the course he offers, which was the start of a new business.
Growing Your Own Agency
With education being one of Gadzhi’s biggest drivers and motivators, it was obvious that he would lean into developing a way to teach others what he does. The Grow Your Agency (GYA) education company was developed to offer courses to teach others how to become as much of a social media sensation as he is and offer that power to clients.
The philanthropic arm of GYA is responsible for setting up and running schools in developing nations. Gadzhi knows how much money it costs to make these schools functional, but he believes it’s well worth the cost.

Pushing Forward in Agency Development
Gadzhi shelved IAG media a few years ago to focus on working on a new project, which is consuming his time. Together with a new partner, he’s created a SaaS developed primarily for current and potential agency owners. He aims to streamline the process of getting content to the audience.
Despite still being highly profitable, Gadzhi closed the agency because he knew how much effort it would take to run it while developing the SaaS. To free up more bandwidth and make himself more flexible, he decided to close an already profitable business – a very risky proposition but one that worked out for him.
Growing As a Person And a Content Creator
Gadzhi’s development as a solo entrepreneur is an example of growing as a person and developing content that leans into what he already understands. His drive to educate turns his content into more than just something for people to look at when they’re bored. The content has the potential to help others learn.
In a world where most people have short attention spans, Gadzhi has tapped into a method of getting them interested in what he says. His YouTube channel, boasting over four billion subscribers, is a testament to how popular he has become in speaking about what he’s passionate about.
The Constant Push To Be Better
When Gadzhi was asked about his motivation to be and do better, he said it comes from his drive to share his knowledge. This momentum helped him weather the pandemic and drove him to create things that gave back to the world. The momentum of doing is what keeps his entrepreneurial spirit going.
With all the things he’s had to juggle over the last few years, it’s pretty remarkable that he’s managed to do what he did. His resources continue to expand, and with it, his drive to do more and develop more for the people who need guidance.
Offering Guidance to a Whole New Generation
Between GYA’s educational efforts to teach new entrepreneurs how to run their businesses and the schools in Nepal, Gadzhi has quite a legacy already set up for himself. He has many years yet to go, and we may see great things from this young man.
Gadzhi continues to create and inspire through his content. His billions of followers can attest to his influence in helping them develop new, healthy habits. He’s an excellent example of what an entrepreneur should be. Not bad for a kid who dropped out of school at 17 to do social media management.