Being a young female entrepreneur is difficult, especially if no one takes you seriously. However, if you prove you can do the work, you’re set. Sara Faraj is an affiliate marketer who figured out the things that work and the things that don’t. Yet she wasn’t content to sit on what she knew. Instead, she offered to teach anyone who wanted to learn.
The Journey To Being a Finance Influencer
Faraj was just like most other people her age, trying to figure out what worked and what didn’t when it came to finance. Yet she noticed a lot of people in the finance niche weren’t offering practical advice for the people who might be watching her.
She decided to do that, walking her YouTube viewers through every step of making a budget, figuring out her investment strategy, and teaching people along the way. It was there that she first discovered her love of and knack for teaching.
Multiple Income Streams
One of the things Faraj encourages on her YouTube channel is finding multiple income streams for her followers to invest in. While she was making some money from her YouTube content, she always wanted more, and that led her to experiment with affiliate marketing.
Most people who delve into affiliate marketing realize pretty quickly it’s difficult to get traction and make money. Yet Faraj promptly figured out the secrets to affiliate marketing that would help her build an empire and teach her students how to make six figures in a few months.
Starting With Niches
Faraj advises her followers to pick a profitable niche before anything else. She also tells them not to limit themselves to just one niche but to look at other niches that they can monetize that may work alongside each other.
Each social media platform has its own dynamics regarding the most profitable niche. Faraj also covers how her students can uncover and take advantage of the most profitable niches and analyze trends in those niches to see what’s popular at any point in time.
Income Depends On The Type of Items
Faraj is fond of looking at affiliate links as high-ticket or low-ticket items. A high-ticket affiliate link will pay a lot of money when it gets clicked but tends to have a low overall conversion rate. Low-ticket links are the opposite, with more people likely to click them.
Faraj tells students that they can focus on one or more of these affiliate link types and determine which is more profitable. She also teaches her followers how to find the high-ticket links that will pay the most.
Learning The Basics Of Affiliate Marketing
One of the things Faraj does well is take on affiliate marketing as a profitable source of income in a unique way. Instead of trying to teach students how to use it to get rich, she teaches them how to set up a steady stream of income so they can live comfortably.
She also guides her followers through her affiliate link-finding process and teaches them what counts as a good affiliate link and what doesn’t. The software and strategies she uses for her own affiliate business also feature in her tutorial sessions, making it easy for her students to closely follow what she’s doing.

Building Websites Is Necessary
As an affiliate marketer, Faraj knows what it takes to make a profitable business, and she is adamant that a website is a crucial part of getting the most out of affiliate links. She walks her students through building an affiliate website that they can use to market their products.
However, she also touches on the importance of social media in driving traffic to that website. Since Faraj got started on social media, she understands how to catch people’s attention and direct them to join a mailing list or sign up for free stuff.
Email Marketing And List Building
As mentioned before, Faraj enjoys giving students a template for their websites but also helps them create content that can get people to subscribe to their mailing list. She’s a firm believer in the power of email marketing and gives her students an introduction to the funnel model.
Since she’s also not someone who leaves things on the table, she also teaches students the most effective way to build their affiliate links into their content. That way, students can benefit from having eyes on their content from people who may eventually click on their links.
Ads and Building An Audience
Faraj is no stranger to the power of using ads to monetize a business. However, it underlines a core strategy that she explains to many of her students – you have to spend money to make money. Ads can be a cost-effective way of marketing a business site or page.
She walks her students through the most impactful ads and which social media platforms work well for what type of content. She also focuses on Pinterest for ad marketing, giving her students a taste of what she does.
Scaling a Business
While Faraj isn’t about trying to teach people how to get rich, she certainly knows how to scale a business into profitability. She offers students bonus information on her course about how to scale their business to six figures.
The tips she offers here are specific to the kind of business she wants to build. From creating a personal brand for the website and its marketing to outsourcing content, Faraj teaches her students how to turn this into a full-time thing.
A Person Who Knows What She Wants
Looking at all Faraj has accomplished, it’s easy to see why people trust her to direct them to profitability with affiliate marketing. It’s clear she knows what she’s doing and knows how to teach people about it. Sara has not stopped trying to help her students to become more profitable businesspeople. We will likely see a lot more of this young entrepreneur as time goes by.