What makes a good businessperson? Is it the ability to open multiple businesses and keep them running, or is it the ability to see an opportunity and fill it? Regardless of which definition you choose, Saygin Yalcin seems like a good businessperson. Yalcin, a German entrepreneur of Turkish descent, has made waves in the Middle East because of his SellAnyCar business.
A Car Buying Service With a Difference

The Middle East has many people searching for a car to buy and an equal number looking to sell their vehicle. Seeing this match in the market, Yalcin researched how he could combine those two elements into a successful business. Having arrived in the Middle East a few years earlier with Sukar.com, he knew it would take some understanding of the market before he could make an impact.
A Slow Mover But a Quick Adopter
Yalcin notes that he’s not someone who rushes into business. “I am actually one of the slowest entrepreneurs you can imagine,” he laughs. “But when I have made up my mind and decided to step in, I do not hesitate for a second.” With SellAnyCar, Yalcin researched the market a lot, he operated over fifty expert interviews with sellers, potential clients, experts. Everything was calculated and weighed in properly before he took the first step.
Convenience First And Everything Else After
What sets SellAnyCar apart as a business is how convenient everything is. Yalcin realized that one of the “pain points” his target market had was that everything was complicated, from trusting the buyer to buy your car to knowing what price they’d offer you. Yalcin decided that this had to change and that his business would be responsible for a new way to buy and sell cars.
“Our initial promise was to be a convenient service, and we try our best to deliver on our promise – we are everywhere you are,” Yalcin states. His team is everywhere, from Ajman to malls in Abu Dhabi, everything tailored to the exact need of the customer, and fashioned in a way that will make the user’s experience an easy one.
No Need to Reinvent Wheels

As most business owners know, you shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel. As a self-described serial entrepreneur, Yalcin doesn’t believe in reinventing the wheel. All he wants to do is find which “wheel” will fit his target market in the Middle East. The idea of a trusted buyer-seller for cars may seem like nothing new since several companies in the US already do it. However, the idea was a game-changer in the Middle East.
For most people in this part of the world, selling cars can be a hassle. Between making time to see the person buying the car, haggling a price, and waiting for delivery, selling or buying a used car could take far longer than strictly necessary. Yalcin saw that this was happening and knew from his time in the US that there was a better way. With his skills as a businessperson, he decided to introduce that better way to the Middle East.
A Methodical Approach to Problem-Solving
Yalcin knew he had a few problems to solve and decided that the best way to do it would be to break them down into smaller portions. The biggest issue he saw was that there wasn’t a really effective way of selling a used car in the Middle East. There were so many variables to manage that most people would just take whatever they could get for their vehicle. Between documentation and payment guarantees, it was a headache for the average seller.
Yalcin decided to simplify this process. There are no worries about getting a bad check from SellAnyCar and no paper-based documentation. Between seeing a car and the company buying it, a person could have money in hand in as little as fifteen minutes to an hour. And the name of the business is not a mistake either. Yalcin says that they will buy literally any car, irrespective of where it’s been.
Linking Buyers to Sellers Around the Globe
What’s Yalcin doing with the cars he buys? He could flip them on the local market, and with some vehicles, it makes sense to do so. But with others, he could get better value from shipping them to overseas markets. Even cars that are good for nothing more than scrap can be sold to a buyer who will break them down and sell the parts. This global network makes his business profitable and viable, ensuring he really can buy any car.
Yalcin believes transparency is a crucial part of any business. Each vehicle should be valued fairly to let the owner know what they’re getting for their car. Transparency transfers over to the first meeting, as sellers get a free inspection and are reminded that they are under no obligation to sell. Doing this establishes a baseline of trust that’s markedly absent from most of the industry.
“In this area, there is a problem with telling the truth to your customers, and our policy is to change all this,” Yalcin states, adding that all prices are based on the team’s experience in the automotive industry, and on actual retail valuations.
Trust Goes a Long Way
Most of the sellers that Yalcin encounters are pleasantly surprised at the prices he offers them. Some of them think they can do better and leave to do research. They eventually come back since SellAnyCar simply has the best prices on the market for a car. Additionally, because the brand is so big, it’s impossible for Yalcin to “run away” with their money. “The way we operate needs to be flawless. Our customer service has to be top-notch,” he reiterates.
What’s Yalcin’s Future Look Like?

Yalcin likes to call himself a serial entrepreneur, and he’s started no fewer than five businesses spread globally. SellAnyCar is still the most prominent of those businesses, but he’s also written a book called My Children Will Be Born Rich which has rave reviews from several readers. He’s also started offering private mentorship and coaching sessions for entrepreneurs who want his level of success but can’t seem to make the breakthrough. Through it all, his dedication to morality and transparency shines through, a unique light in the business world.